Thursday, October 28, 2010

Gold and financial instruments - Comparing risk

Bonds, options, and stocks are all financial instruments, and someone else’s liability. The owners of these financial instruments gives up their money and risks a loss of their principal for a certain period of time in return for a yield/profit.

Physical gold bullion is not someone else's liability. A holder of physical bullion could lease out their gold and generate income, but they seldom choose to do so as it is precisely the safety of preserving wealth in real terms without risk to capital that savvy investors seek in uncertain times.

Geir Solem
Copyright (C) 2010 all rights reserved

Friday, October 8, 2010

Gold compared to the Unites States monetary base

Interesting chart: United States monetary base divided by gold holdings:

Source: Societe Generale

The ratio indicate that gold has great long term potential.

Geir Solem
Copyright (C) 2010 all rights reserved